Answer the question: Is it difficult or easy to keep good employees?

For leaders, the is it easy or hard to keep good employees is always a question that makes them feel headache. So, let your employee training mindset be more open and useful with the knowledge that Acabiz share below.

Is it hard or easy to keep good employees?

It is really difficult to give a specific answer to this question, because retaining employees can be difficult or easy depending on the ability of the leader/manager. Specifically, if the leader understands employees, knows how to create conditions for them to develop and meet the necessary requirements of employees, then surely, employees' attachment to the company/enterprise is the most important thing. easy to understand.

Whether retaining good employees is difficult or easy will depend on the leader

In contrast, leaders/managers do not understand their employees, often move their authority, impose work, do not understand and listen at work, then employees will definitely leave. to find a better job. Therefore, it can be concluded that employee retention depends on subjective and objective factors from the leader/manager.

The secret to retaining good employees

To answer questions is it easy or hard to retain good employees is easy, you need professional solutions and tips. Accordingly, you can apply some of the following tips:

Build an employee retention culture from the ground up

Retention of employees does not have to be done on a whim, when employees intend to leave, then apply the retention solution, but you need to build a retention culture right away. from the beginning. Let's start this from the time employees start working. Therefore, leaders need to build the image, message and impression of the business in the market to create attraction and ideological attachment to employees.

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However, it is also important not to apply the "axe dance through the eyes of the craftsman", but you need to have consistency between what has been built and the actual work process. In this way, new employees feel that they have trust and long-term attachment to the company/enterprise.

A culture of employee retention needs to be built throughout

In the process of working, managers/leaders also need to know how to use management tools so that employees can work more effectively and stick around longer. Management tools here are understood as remuneration, bonuses, insurance, salary increase plans, training opportunities... These tools need to be implemented accurately, professionally and transparently.

Create a comfortable working environment

When it comes to is it easy or hard to retain employees, for the answer to be easy, leaders/managers need to create a comfortable working environment for employees. Let's make employees work at home, and don't go to work every day just for timekeeping.

According to many reviews, a comfortable working environment is one that is interactive and understanding. In which, the employee and the boss are not equal working styles, but there is an exchange and promotion of ideas with each other. In addition, leaders need to have understanding for their employees. It is necessary to understand where they are having difficulties in order to have appropriate solutions and solutions.

Pay attention to the beginning

There are employees that businesses want to keep because of their talents and working attitudes. Therefore, businesses need to impress employees at first sight, this is called the secret to paying attention to the beginning. When employees start working, give them a comfortable start so that they can easily integrate into their current working environment.

Make a good first impression on employees

And to do this, employees and leaders need to have a dialogue with each other. Being open and frank in the process of communicating with each other is the most effective way for leaders and employees to find a common voice.

Through the above post of Acabiz, surely you already have a practical answer to the question Is it easy or hard to retain good employees, as well as tips for employee retention. Leaders/managers can apply to increase efficiency.