Danish happiness management principles

Danish principles of happiness management has always been admired by the world and applied to life, because it brings many great benefits. Here are 5 basic principles in happiness management that the Danes regularly apply.

Let's focus on happiness

When referring to Danish happiness management principles, people here often refer to a phrase that cannot be translated into English as arbejdsglæde. This phrase means happiness at work. In particular, it is most widely applied in the office environment, with the desire to bring happiness to employees at work.

For the Danes, working is not just about making money, it's important to earn happiness. And it is also this point of view that productivity and creativity at work are enhanced. When working, the employees always maintain happiness, because they think that if they are happy, the customers will be happy. This is also the reason that before any economic crisis, the Danes always stand.

For Danes, going to work is about feeling happy

Doing it right

Unlike other countries, where they often work very hard with very high hours, the Danes work very little. Many people ask themselves whether the Danes are working or not. In fact, Danes only work 1,540 hours per year, while Americans have to work 1,790 hours per year, but the results are not too different.

This shows that, in Danish happiness management principles, quality is often more important than quantity. They believe that if you only work hard, even if the working hours account for more than the hours spent on life values, it will cause an imbalance in the quality of life. Since then, even if the Danes work hard, they cannot achieve the desired results.

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Not only having reasonable working time, the Danes also pay attention to rest and social welfare for the people. During important holidays, they often have an extended holiday, which can be up to 5-6 weeks per year. The vacation to take care of maternity health is always the most important thing.

Best unemployment regime

If in other countries unemployment is a problem, in Denmark it's nothing too bad. This is because unemployment in this happy country is extremely high. According to statistics, an unemployed employee can receive about 90% of the old salary within 2 years.

Denmark has a very good unemployment regime

Therefore, employees do not worry about unemployment and they can comfortably work according to their capacity and passion. Thanks to Danish happiness management principles companies always treat employees well, from salary to welfare regime. This is to ensure that personnel crises are avoided. Thanks to that, the Danes always feel happy at work.

Regular capacity building training

The policy of focused training to improve employee capacity was mentioned by the Danes in the 1800s. And this policy is still maintained today. This is to ensure the best quality and professional human resources for the industry.

The Danish government has also set strict rules between unions, government and company policies. Specifically, the government allows all employees to receive training to improve their capacity, and all costs will be covered by the bank. Thanks to this policy, employees can develop their capacity and respond to changes in the working environment flexibly.

Power distance is reduced

Usually, in countries, when you work, you will receive requests from your superiors and have to do exactly what you set out to do. But in Denmark it is quite the opposite, employees will propose for each of their tasks and very few orders are given when working. This is one of Danish happiness management principles that the whole world must admire.

The power distance index in Denmark is only 18

According to studies, the power distance in Denmark is only 18, which is also the lowest power distance index in the world. Danish law also stipulates that every work environment with more than 35 employees must have several employee representatives involved in corporate governance. And they must be treated equally with the same rights as other members.

It has been proven that these Danish happiness management principles will help people feel happier and develop more effectively. Therefore, businesses and companies need to know how to learn and apply to increase work efficiency