Optimal human resource management process for SMEs

The optimal human resource management process for businesses is the most important factor for businesses to build a high-quality human resource team.

Managing human resources to achieve high efficiency is a difficult problem for any business. This task requires managers to build the best human resource management system and process. So what is an effective human resource management process? Let's find out with Acabiz through the article below.

What is Human Resource Management?

Human resource management in an enterprise includes activities of building, fostering, leading and retaining talent to manage and use human resources in a reasonable and effective manner.

In addition, human resource management is also related to the adjustment and control activities to satisfy human needs and effectively maintain, protect, use and develop the potential of employees. Best.

Optimal human resource management process for SMEs

Effective human resource management process for SMEs

a. Building a human resource management system  

A good human resource management system will provide leaders with the clearest view of the human resource situation and the most accurate assessment of human resource quality for the business. Need to ensure complete information about personnel in the enterprise.

Enterprises can use a general document system or apply management software. Enterprises can also combine forms together to have the clearest, most complete and easy-to-follow and manageable inventory of personnel information.

b. Personnel recruitment 

Recruitment is an important step to building a team of human resources for businesses. Therefore, this is also an extremely important step in the optimal human resource management process for SMEs.

In order for the HR process to be successful and highly effective, managers and recruitment departments need to build a strict recruitment process. Before hiring, there should be a specific description and requirements for each position. The process of interviewing, recruiting and evaluating candidates also needs to take place seriously and clearly. Implementing a methodical, step-by-step recruitment process will help businesses choose the right candidates for the job.

Human resource management in the enterprise

c. Staff training and development  

The training and human resource development plan is considered as an investment of the business, not an expense. High quality human resources will bring positive changes to businesses and even sustainable development.

To do this, human resource training and development strategies play a very important role. This activity will help businesses make the most of their human resources and improve their efficiency.

Currently, SMEs are implementing many training programs in the form of face-to-face or online training. The combination of 2 forms will bring deeper effects to your business.

d. Evaluation of training results 

This is an important part of the human resource management process in the enterprise. By accurate assessment of the training process, the results after the training programs and periodic capacity assessment, enterprises can make changes or policies for each employee.

Based on the results obtained, enterprises can have activities to reward and motivate employees with achievements.

>> Competency-based performance management factors

Effective human resource management process

e. Building and developing corporate culture  

The optimal human resource management process is certainly indispensable for the tasks of building and developing corporate culture. The system of legal documents and regulations is one of the things that contribute to building corporate culture.

In addition, a business without cultural factors can hardly stand. The core of the culture is the spirit of the enterprise and its value point of view. To build a sustainable corporate culture, it takes the efforts of the whole enterprise.


A strict and specific human resource management process will definitely bring optimal efficiency to the business. Therefore, each business should rely on the information and build for themselves the most appropriate and optimal human resource management process.

>> Personnel training process in SMEs

>> How to evaluate the effectiveness of personnel training