Professional sales process to increase sales

You feel that your sales are not good, your sales are not high, there are even months when your business is at a loss. Therefore, you need to find yourself a professional sales process to effectively increase monthly sales.

How professional is the sales process?

Professional sales process is understood as a sales order, sales activities are pre-defined in each business based on its mandatory nature, in order to meet specific objectives of activities. Sales action is more effective.

The sales process needs professionalism and efficiency 

In general, each business will have its own sales process map. Depending on the size and type of business, each company will have a different way of selling. But in general, it still follows the steps:

- Prepare

- Searching for potential customers

- Reaching customers

- Product presentation

- Customer Quote

- Closing sale

- Customer care

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Professional sales process

Prepare plans and targets

Before starting a semi-professional process, we need to prepare a comprehensive and standard sales process. As with any profession, any job, if you prepare carefully, you will anticipate failures to come up with an effective solution. To make a specific plan for sales and clearly define the sales goals of the business, you need to find all the following information:

- Item for sale: The item your company sells is a product or service, is it a consumer product or a functional product. What is its form, its advantages or uses for consumers.

- Who is the buyer: You need to understand the characteristics, objects, behavior and personality of the target group so that you can make reasonable adjustments to the form of the product. . This observation can be through actual investigation through social networks and clear competitor analysis.

- Prepare detailed sales records: Sales records include quotes, brochures, pictures of samples, contact information.

- Time: Specific sales time, reasonable access place, exchange content, polite attire and professional selling skills.

Identify accurate information and product sales plan

Searching for potential customers

The next step in the professional sales process is that the company needs to establish  a list of potential customers, weeding out unsuitable customers  or no prospects. In this step, you need to try to clearly define the market that the product will focus on selling.

Access to customers

After finding a set of potential customers, you need to move to the customer approach step. This is one of the difficult stages to know what the customer's main need is and to gauge what the customer wants to buy.

Whether you sell online or sell in person, this is a stage not to be missed if you want to increase sales. For example, a salesperson can find out enough information about the audience, set the goal of the conversation, and convince the customer to trust the product. Once you have succeeded in making a good impression on the buyer, then you are 50% successful and the rest of the steps become more “soft”.

Product Introduction

Customers have given their precious time to you to introduce the product. Therefore, you should not turn those 10 minutes into a presentation or product presentation. Try to bring customers value and benefits related to products/services instead of just talking about features, features, characteristics, textures, colors. Please share more with customers about the benefits they will receive when buying.

Convince customers to buy

This is one of the professional sales processes that everyone should have. After providing customers with product information, you will come to the quote / service stage.

When you set the price too high, customers will make objections and attitudes in order to get a discount or an extra product. For the situation where customers criticize your product's price too high, keep an attitude of "getting the erection won't be too soft" neither too hard nor too soft. A good attitude will help you have more positive impact on customers when making decisions. If the face shows doubt or concealment about the product, you are definitely missing the opportunity to close the order

Single closing

Successfully persuading customers to sign a contract and submit an application is firmly in hand. However, you should not be satisfied with closing the order because there are many cases of cancellation.

Closing doesn't mean you've made a sale

After-sale customer care

After-sales customer care is a very important step. Even if you complete the order, never skip this step. This step will help you maintain long-term business relationships with loyal customers.

The above are pretty basic steps in a professional sales process that most businesses and companies are applying. With the above sharing, hope that you will have more effective and successful sales experiences for yourself.