Staff reduction - hard things to say in the company

Reducing staff makes things difficult for managers to say. How can there be both ways for those who go and those who stay? In the article below, we will share with you our experiences and problems when cutting staff.

Employees prone to layoffs

If your company is facing difficulties, has a need to reduce personnel, and things are difficult to say, you need to understand the group of employees that are easily cut below.

Seasonal worker

If you are an employee hired by the company to work as a freelancer or collaborator, you are sure that you will be the first to be cut. When working in this form, the company will outsource and pay fees for each project you receive or a specific work item, not bound through a labor contract.

Company leaders often cut temporary staff

Not only that, the strong development of the Internet makes the connection between the outsourced staff even more convenient and simple. Therefore, you are outsourced company should be careful, find new cooperation companies.

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Working superficially

There are a lot of employees who work superficially, whether the job is small or simple, but they all do it in a silly way, refuse to invest, and the job completion is not high.

When the working attitude is not good or effective, the boss may judge that this employee is incompetent and has a bad attitude. Therefore, if you are working in an unprofessional way, wake up before it is too late or you do not want to be fired.

Too much trouble

One of the types of employees when the next staff reduction is to cause a lot of trouble, costing the company a lot of business expenses. Think about it, an employee with a lot of ability, positive, often brings comfort to the boss will be favored over an employee who often causes troubles and distractions such as late deadlines, delayed presentations, conflicts. Conflict with colleagues, often rude and disrespectful statements to superiors.

Employees who often cause problems for the company, be prepared to be cut off

In addition, staff cuts are difficult to say because the company's financial difficulties should fire employees. They pay monthly salaries to employees in the hope that they will bring efficiency to the business, but on the contrary, there are many people who do not make a profit, causing a lot of costs for the company to also fall into the "top" category. employees most likely to be fired.

Mistakes when cutting personnel, difficult things to say

When the company is in crisis, businesses often think of downsizing operations and cutting staff to survive. Because it is a difficult and sudden cut, the leader's opening becomes quite difficult to say, leading to many mistakes:

Misjudged the size of layoffs

When cutting staff excessively, businesses will be at risk of losing revenue and falling further into bankruptcy because most of the key and good employees will be cut off. To avoid mistakes, leaders should not be silent or difficult to speak in front of all employees, sit down and discuss with departments to find solutions.

Don't cut all at once

Your company must absolutely not cut personnel in a mechanical way in the same way that any department will be cut. Doing this only reduces costs but things about the job just get worse.

Shouldn't cut down on negative staff

There are many reasons why businesses choose to reduce personnel silently, not disclosing information about the number of employees, so it often causes strong reactions from employees and departments. someone was fired.

Some things are hard to say when cutting staff of the leadership team

Reducing the company's staff has never been fun and easy. Therefore, there are many leaders who find it difficult to talk to all employees for the following reasons:

- Afraid that the remaining employees will feel awkward, worried about the state of the company.

- Don't want fired employees to feel embarrassed or think about why they were fired.

Management often feels awkward when cutting staff

- Don't want the rival company to notice the company's predicament to attract key employees to their side.

- Many company leaders often feel guilty for causing their employees to lose their jobs. Therefore, they do not want to have a bad image in the minds of employees, so it is often difficult for them to speak in front of the entire enterprise.

Reducing personnel is a difficult thing to do in the company that no manager wants to do. Because, employees to become a member of their extended family, cutting down, throwing away someone is also something that makes them feel unhappy.