What is digital transformation?

 What is digital transformation? Is this a trend that determines the survival of businesses in the current information technology era?

According to IDC's 2019 survey, digital transformation is playing the role of one of the strategies at businesses in today's technology revolution. Nearly 90% of businesses are gradually learning and applying the implementation. In addition, more than 40% of business leaders think digital transformation is a matter of survival for businesses. So what is digital conversion? Along Acabiz learn through the article below.

What is digital transformation?

There are quite a few definitions and interpretations of digital transformation. According to Garter, digital transformation is the use of technology to change business models, creating new opportunities, greater value. This is also an activity to help businesses rethink their organization and operating processes to achieve higher efficiency.

What is digital transformation?

Many other businesses believe that digital transformation is the process of changing from a traditional model to a digital business by applying new technologies to achieve more optimal efficiency. In short, digital transformation is the process of applying technology to all business activities in order to achieve more optimal efficiency. Thanks to that, businesses improve their competitiveness as well as operational efficiency.

>> Digital transformation process in business

Digital transformation process in Vietnam Việt

In Vietnam, the digital transformation process has been applied by many businesses in many different fields: finance, tourism, transportation, manufacturing, etc. The government has many policies to support this process. In addition, businesses are also trying to learn and apply to transform themselves in the current technology era.

Digital transformation in business

The reality has proven that the businesses that have received and applied digital transformation early are the ones that have made new successes and developments in the current technology era. This shows the important role of digital transformation in the existence and development of Vietnamese enterprises today.

However, many businesses still have not identified the importance of digital transformation, especially for small and medium enterprises. With the existing characteristics and scale, small and medium enterprises now account for 90% of enterprises. However, they still face many barriers in applying digital transformation to their activities. Their technologies are mostly old from the last decade. In addition, these enterprises also face difficulties such as lack of human resources, lack of technology background or low quality of human resources. This is also the main reason why businesses have not been able to apply digital transformation.

Digital transformation in corporate training today

Corporate training is one of the important factors in the sustainable development of enterprises. Therefore, applying digital transformation in training is being paid due attention by most businesses. Instead of traditional forms of training, online training activities now support businesses to achieve optimal efficiency but still save costs.

>> Factors that help businesses digitally transform successfully

Digital transformation in training

With today's preeminent online training platform with carefully prepared content, internal training programs in your business not only contribute to gradually improving the capacity of your staff, but It also stimulates employee learning. In addition, the advantages of this form of training also support employees to practice time management  skills with maximum efficiency and help businesses save costs.

The process of digital transformation is taking place strongly in many aspects of the business and has confirmed its effectiveness. Businesses that want to keep up with the trends of the times and create new breakthroughs need to prepare for this global process.

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>> Digital transformation trend

>> Reasons why businesses fail in digital transformation