Why should your business use an internal training solution Acabiz?

The launch of internal training solution Acabiz gives businesses the optimal solution, improving efficiency and saving costs. With many outstanding features, Acabiz is definitely the perfect solution for your business.

Built to solve business problems during internal training, Acabiz is a solution to support businesses in training and sustainable development. With outstanding features, Acabiz is proud to be the most preeminent business solution on the market today.

Big business problems

Training programs are one of the most important tasks for any business. Accompanying that are the training difficulties that most businesses are facing today.

Why should your business use Acabiz internal training solution?

· Employees do not have enough skills and knowledge platform, do not meet all the needs of the job.        

· The training team is unprofessional, leading to difficulties in training as well as learning.        

· The training system has not been properly invested, lack of method.        

· The training process is not continuous, not updated regularly, leading to low efficiency.        

· Enterprise no method to measure and evaluate the effectiveness of training accuracy, difficulty in developing training processes.        

In addition, the internal factors as well as the current conditions of each enterprise make the training implementation even more difficult.

Acabiz . internal training solution

Acabiz is considered as one of the total solutions for personnel training in enterprises, including:

· System of lectures on many skills and specialized knowledge for separate departments taught by leading experts.        

· User -friendly training platform, easy in training and learning.        

· Support enterprises to produce specialized training content in many different fields.        

In order to maximize the needs of internal training as well as provide businesses with the maximum solution in training, Acabiz is built with preeminent features.

Acabiz . internal training solution

a. Course content management  

· Course builder        

Acabiz helps businesses build intuitive E-learning courses. Support other digitized content: videos, PDF files, Powerpoint, multiple choice questions, etc.

· Multiple choice exam system        

Tool to create periodic online exam questions with rich format, multiple choice questions, multiple choice, answers, etc.

· Manage uploads        

Support businesses to upload internal documents with related tags, easy to manage and search. Uploaded content can be viewed online without the need to install additional software.

· Tool to create learning routes        

This is one of the features that businesses are extremely interested in in the internal training solution Acabiz. By combining available content and uploaded content, businesses can build a specific learning path for each employee in different departments. Ensure personalized learning while ensuring training efficiency.

>> The process of building E-learning lessons for businesses

b. Optimizing the learning experience 

· Discussion feature        

The platform allows individuals to discuss the content of courses and lessons with each other or with instructors.

· Recording feature        

Employees can take notes of things that need attention right next to the course to be able to remember more deeply and apply at work.

·         Gamification

Get employees excited with ratings. Accompanied by badges when completing the learning path or important lessons.

· Certificate of completion of the course        

Employees who complete the course and test will be issued a certificate based on the test results, according to the certification template designed by the enterprise.

· Smart search        

Employees with just one keyword can search for exactly what they want to learn, in addition to a personal route. They can choose to detail each lesson in many different courses.

c. Learning and training management system  

· Detailed, complete report        

Evaluating training effectiveness is a key advantage of Acabiz's personnel training solution. Enterprises on the system can view the full report of each employee, each department or by course. As well as being polite, the time to complete the course is available.


Internal training solutions for businesses

· Manage students easily        

Add one or more students through the csv file upload function, quickly sort students by department.

· Attach training content        

Depending on the training purpose, the enterprise can attach courses and learning routes for each department and personnel.

d. Customize domain name, brand, 

· Attach business domain name        

Acabiz supports businesses to attach their own domain money under their own brand so that employees can easily identify them. Support linking to business websites.

· Corporate logos        

Acabiz supports displaying the logo and business name on the content of the website, creating a connection between businesses and employees.

With the mission of providing Vietnamese businesses with training solutions towards the long-term development goals of the business, Acabiz has spent a lot of effort and will always try to improve further to meet the training needs of the times. modern technology period.

For more information, please contact Acabiz:

Hotline: 0904 88 6098

Mail: cskh@acabiz.vn

Address: 247 Cau Giay, Hanoi.

>> How to evaluate the effectiveness of personnel training

>> Acabiz - Increase training efficiency with Micro Learning